Fundación Michín

Helping children and adolescents in Colombia for more than 65 years.

Fundación Michín

Since its founding in 1958 Fundacion Michin has created innovative care models and provided safe spaces and personalized attention for children and teenagers at risk of endangerment. Its aim is to protect young people and strengthen the communities in which they live.

In the past 65 years, more than 27,000  children and their families have benefited from the foundation’s programs.

Our Pillars

Our actions are based on four pillars that summarize Fundacion Michin’s philosophy:





Antonio Pacini and his family, together with all the companies of  the group, have supported Fundacion Michin for more than 25 years.

Our Programs

Protection Line

In this program we care for children and adolescents who by decision of the Colombian Family Welfare Institute (ICBF) have been removed from their families, temporarily or permanently, in order to protect them from an environment that puts them at risk of physical and psychological harm.

Residential Care

This is Fundacion Michin’s first program, carried out in 6 house and serving 148 children. A team of social workers, teachers, nurses, and physicians provides comprehensive care, including housing, food, clothing, medical needs, and psychological support.

During 2023, 301 children and adolescents and 134 families have participated in our program.

Foster Care

Children and adolescents in this program are under the protection given by the ICBF and are temporarily placed in foster care with volunteer families that have been trained by teams of professionals with the goal of protecting children and seeking their future reintegration in their original family environments.

During 2023, 94 children have been placed in the care of 19 trained foster families.

Prevention Line

One of the strategic objectives of Fundacion Michin for the period 2023-2028 is to grow and strengthen its prevention program in order to create more effective support for children in their original communities, while avoiding or limiting the loss of parental control and involvement in the care of their offspring.

Family and community strengthening

Since the 1970s this program has promoted family co-responsibility through workshops that improve parental capabilities. Fundacion Michin’s professionals help children develop skills and personal strengths in order to minimize their exposure to social risk factors.

During 2023, 155 families have participated in this program and 191 children have benefited from it.

Support for family reunification

This aims at reintegrating children and adolescents who have been in the care of the foundation and its residential or foster family programs into their original environment. This program supports and guides families in order to create for the children an environment that is safe, caring, and loving.

During 2023 (July- December), the program has supervised the re-entry of 41 children into 24 original families.